Delightful Shopping Begins at Designs by Dianne

Your shopping home for Mugs, Clothing, Printables, Planners, Journals and more . . .

Does this mug make me look like an awesome grandma? (mug)

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About Designs by Dianne

Dianne's picture

Hi, I’m Dianne and I’m so glad you’re here!

My Dream

For years I just knew I didn’t have a creative bone in my body.  I tried to write books – and even though I had some pretty awesome ideas, I always got bogged down when I needed to come up with something creative about the characters.  How did they sound?  What trouble could they get into to move the story along?

I didn’t feel I could draw or paint – my sister had all that talent.  I was a mess because I felt I was a “wannabe.”  I wannabe an artist.  I wannabe a writer.

My creative outlet became my two blogs – one for retirees – Retired Living Today and another for Faith-Based Believers – Chosen and Loved By HIM.  There I have the opportunity to write articles about what it’s like to plan for retirement, and what retirement is REALLY like once you get there, and living the Christian life – one day at a time.

Along the way, I started designing – mugs, t-shirts, printed planners and journals, digital planners, and lately printables (which you download and print yourself).  I started putting some of my creations (the planners and journals that are sold on Amazon) on my retirement website.  But . . . I had soooo many, they were taking over. I opted for creating two different sites for my physical creations, a shop for Christian printables and downloads and another with everything else. Actually, you may find a tiny bit of overlap, but that just means you’ll have more to browse. 


Printables are so much fun. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They are for all ages . . . coloring pages; worksheets for younger children learning to read, write and color; wall art for the bare walls in your home, workbooks to help you with finances, planning for a trip, or how to de-clutter and organize your home. So many printables . . . so many things to do.


Mugs were my next adventure.  I actually took a class on how to design mugs.  You will find mugs with pretty flowers and beautiful colors for sale.  But . . . many of mine are black and white – with fun, clever, maybe even witty sayings.  You should check them out in the Mugs category.  I have tons and tons of mugs for sale.

Journals and Planners

Ahhh.  One of my newer passions.  Journals and Planners give me a chance to be somewhat creative and use beautiful colors and designs for the covers.  So far, I’ve created journals based on a need I saw – and hopefully some of you feel the same.  Journals to grow in your relationship with God.  Recipe journals.  List journals . . . and who knows what else will come to mind.

And Planners? Oh, my! There are planners for the calendars, planners to help you get organized, planners to help you change old habits and create new ones, planners to help you start a new business or succeed in your current one. So many planners, so little time. AND I have digital planners for sale, which means they are loaded on your phone and/or tablet and with you all the time. How cool is that!! : )


I have long admired people who create jewelry.  I haven’t taken any classes yet, but I can pretty much guarantee that jewelry is going to make it into my shop at some point. So stay tuned!

So now you know a little about my passion for my websites and all my designs.

Feel free to shop any of the categories which interest you!